Five Funny Things (12/20/23)
Laugh it up this holiday season with these sketches, parodies, and memes
I’m working on consolidating a few things so I can hit the New Year running, so no piece this week. I’m hoping to put out some sort of reflection piece on this year, which has had some ups and whole lotta downs, soon. Until then, laugh it up and I hope you and yours have a great holiday season!
5 Funny Things
1 - When She’s In The Mood
Short sketch, cute girl, and Lord of the Rings references. I mean….what more could you even ask for?
2 - The Mistletoasters
I’m not a big holiday fan, but I’ll do my part to contribute to the ambiance. If you’ve got a ceiling outlet, may I humbly recommend purchasing an additional toaster to hang from it this holiday season?
3 - Rainn Wilson on the Office vs. SNL
Classic SNL Monologue done here by Rainn and the cast. If you’re an Office fan, you’ll enjoy this short video. This linked version skips right to the good part.
4 - Falling in Love in Movies vs. Real Life
Including this one because my parents are always asking if I’ve met the right girl yet and I thought maybe this would help elucidate for them the trials and pitfalls of modern dating.
5 - “Holly Jolly Christmas” Meets “Get Low” by Lil Jon
I told you I’d get you in the Christmas spirit, so may I will leave you with this new, stirring rendition of Holly Jolly Christmas joining with Get Low. It is beautiful and perfect and almost puts me in a holiday spirit. Almost.
Great article man