Ahhhh shit, it’s Wednesday again *takes a long drag of a cigarette*
I went out of town on a little mini vacation last week and guess whattttt? You already know, I didn’t write diddly squat. I needed a mental health reset and damn it, I took it. I could use about 10 more of them, but one thing at a time. And hey, 3 Funny Things is still below, so I haven’t TOTALLY dropped the ball on our unspoken deal.
Rather than pumping a half-baked article out, I thought maybe we could use this time instead to get to know each other. You see, I’m told when trying to find new readers it’s super duper important to figure out why the current readers are around. Imagine important people in suits urging me to find a “target market” or “customer profile.”
This operation is still in its starting phases so I already know some of you. Nevertheless, it’d be extremely helpful to me if you could take 60 seconds and answer the below question(s):
Why do you read this every week?
What value do you get from FWE that you think would appeal to someone who’s never read before? What would make you want to recommend this to a friend?
Anything else you’d like to see more/less of? Topics, formats, food choices - whatever comes to mind.
The questions are somewhat similar, so feel free to just answer in whatever way makes sense. I’m mostly looking to learn more about what keeps readers coming back so I can try to find people who may be interested in reading as well. My goal is to someday build this up into a fun, supportive little community, brick by brick and your help and feedback is invaluable for doing that.
You can reply directly to this email or leave a comment below. I even made some fancy buttons:
Also, if you have tried emailing me directly in the past, I might not have gotten it because there was a stupid setting on the backend not properly configured. I totally fixed it and have gotten emails since, but I’m just letting you know now that I’m really sorry I never responded, I totally would have if I’d gotten it and please don’t be like Stan from that Eminem song.
If you’re new and stumbling on me this week, uhhhh, hello! I’m sure you’re awesome and going to love it here. If you want a fun article to read, you should totally check out this one:
Coronation of a New King: Oatmeal Raisin
Thank you for your support, help, shares, and subscriptions. Ya’ll are the best and I wouldn’t keep on doing this without all the kind words I’ve received from all of you. It means the world ❤️.
3 Funny Things
1 - Daily Dose of Veggies
Little throwback to Steve Carell’s Daily Show days. Pretty fun little skit here and I have no idea how he took that big of a bite without gagging and throwing up. He’s so confident you just know he didn’t try it beforehand, which makes him holding up on camera all the more impressive.
2 - Marshawn Lynch + Amish = this video
My friends always joke that I’m secretly Amish because I moved to Florida from Pennsylvania and was a bit behind the times when I did. Meaning I didn’t have a smartphone in 2016 and everyone lost their minds about it. So now any time I see some funny Amish content, it’s like a little inside joke I can send around to everyone. Enjoy Beast Mode’s foray into life on the farm.
3 - The Truth About Cruises
Up until COVID, in my wildest drinking days, you could find me on a cruise with friends just about every year. Basically every part of this routine is 100% accurate, especially being hammered during the safety check. If you’ve ever been on one, I’m sure you’ll find it all very familiar.
Well, to be honest, I read this because I want to read your writing! But I feel like people might want to read this because they're interested in comedy in some way—either in laughing themselves or in trying to learn to be funny.
Hope this helps!